How We Raise Our Pomsky Puppies

We make emphatic efforts to ensure our parent dogs and their puppies aren’t just raised “well” but raised “the best”. That means going that extra mile on certain aspects within our small program, but we find great fulfillment in doing things the right way.

Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) exercises are conducted once daily from the third to the 16th days, a period believed to be a time of rapid neurological growth and development. Even though puppies are very immature during this time frame, they are sensitive and respond to ENS.

When performed correctly, ENS is believed to impact the neurological system by kicking it into action earlier than would be normally expected, the result being an increased capacity that later will help to make the difference in its performance, according to Breeding Better Dogs. ENS is time sensitive and must be performed from the third to the 16th days of a puppy’s life.

Benefits: improved cardio vascular performance (heart rate); stronger heart beats; stronger adrenal glands; more tolerance to stress; and greater resistance to disease.

Early Neurological Stimulation

Temperament Trials

We are strong proponents in the importance of temperaments in puppies and matching personalities with the compatible families. A common mistake from buyers is selecting a puppy ONLY on cosmetic appearance without taking any consideration of the dog’s temperament and if that temperament would make a good match for that specific family and their lifestyle. That is why we implement temperament trials in our program so that we can better equip not only our buyers, but ourselves in understanding where each puppy stands.

On their 5th week of life, our little puppies each undergo a Temperament Trial- a short but thorough exam that scores each puppy into a category that then gives us a window into what traits the puppy leans into and which families that puppy would be better off avoiding and which families they will thrive in. Kinda fun, right?

After the results are tallied and scored, their results will be posted on their puppy profile for public viewing. We hope this will help you and whom ever else is considering a pomsky to choose the right Pathfinder for them! As always, we are here to answer any questions and provide appropriate guidance.

Socialization & Exposure

Preparing our little fluffballs for their future adventures in life is our biggest responsibility as breeders.

We strive to raise excellent family & companion dogs- ready for their homes and lives beyond their mother’s teat! And, well, that involves living at a home! A home buzzing with sounds: children playing, the loud clinking of dishes, the roar of the neighbor’s lawnmower, the electronic scream of the vacuum cleaner, the booming conversations of the T.V., humans disappearing behind the loud thud of doors- and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

Leaving the nest and acclimating to a completely alien environment with strangers you’ve never met before is already an overwhelming Rite of Passage for a puppy- but if they embark on such an adventure ill-equipped? Not really a fair start is it?

One of the many perks about home-raising our breeding program is that our puppies, from the moment they emerge from their mothers- are already being exposed daily to sounds, sensations, smells and tastes of what a dog can expect to encounter in its future family life.

We make sure that each puppy, without overwhelming them, are exposed to new experiences all the time. Whether that’s learning new textures, different surfaces, learning the laws of physics (lol), or what it means to be a member of a family - we take those baby steps with every single one of them and assure that it is always a positive experience. A head start is a good start!